Climate Change

As we enter fall in Alameda, our temperatures change somewhat erratically. We will do a few days in the mid 70’s and then go a few days between 84-91. This has been happening for a few weeks.

More heat here too.


A friend from Alabama asked me if we have many commercials on television that are in Spanish, I told her I record everything I watch, thus skip all commercials, so I am unable to answer her question.

Am I missing something?


Starting physical therapy tomorrow. Advocated by my doc due to sacroiliac pain. Pain is gone. To gratify my kids and myself, I am going to work on being able to get out of a chair without using my hands.

I hope the PT concurs.


Carrie went to visit Jules this weekend. I cherish the relationship my kids have with each other. They spent time with Jason and Saundra, cousins visiting from Chicago.

Wonderful when families love each other.


I was going to a wedding and wearing a dress I had not worn since Erik and Ellen’s wedding 22 years ago. Erik asked me to take a picture so he could see me in the dress. I told him I always forget to take pictures. He suggested I stand up to protest the marriage during the ceremony, assuring me someone would take my picture. Before the service, I asked someone to do so.

Erik got his picture.


I went for my annual checkup. All is good. As usual, it began with weight and height. I can’t believe I have shrunk another ½ “. I do believe it, but I told my kids to shoot me if I ever am not able to see over the steering wheel.

Increased anxiety.


I order books from the library. Three became available at the same time. I was not able to extend any of them. I usually read at night.

I am reading whenever I can during the day.


Ari came over. We went to a Chinese restaurant and shared our meals. We watched Ordinary People, my favorite movie, at my house. We talked.

A great blend.


That is the name of the school Erik has designed in SF. He took me to see the whole UCSF facility in the Mission area and the school under construction. I am so proud of him; he has pursued his passion for education and enhanced the lives of many students.

Go, Dude.


One business group finally gave up the one Zoom meeting we were having each month. We now meet in person every week. I am so eager to avoid Zoom meetings.
