Keeping Ourselves Healthy

The older we get, the more conscious we are of what we can do to keep our bodies healthy.  The focus is not so much on how we look, but on how we feel and how we want to continue to feel.

Exercise has been a routine in my life for a long time.  Since moving to California, I have gone to a gym three mornings a week for 40 minutes.  I use a variety of machines and, in between, follow an exercise tape.  I have seen this as a way of using my body, keeping it flexible, enhancing balance, and strengthening arms and legs.

The other morning I went to a weekly meeting where I always prepare the coffee for a large group of people.  I am there before anyone.  I went to the cabinet where the materials are stored, including the coffee pot.  In front of it, all of the items left from an event we had done two days earlier in the same building, were stacked.  I could not get into the cabinet.  I moved the items to another location about 10 feet away.  This included eight cases of sodas and water and boxes containing six bottles of wine each.  Each was heavy and the stack was high.

I imaged feeling uncomfortable the next morning. Instead, I felt no discomfort.

This is another piece of evidence that we are able to take care of our bodies and prevent pain.

Take care, readers.