A True Help

I was flying to LA to see my daughter Julie.  She was having outpatient surgery at noon and I was to accompany her.  My flight was at 6 am.  Once we were on the plane, the flight was cancelled for technical problems.  I got in line to reschedule and I called Delta.  I discovered the only possibility was to fly after Julie was in surgery.

Before I actually made a commitment, a Delta worker in a red jacket asked if he could help me.  I told him my story and indicated there were two Southwest flights I could take.  He told me there is no reciprocity with Southwest.  I expressed my disappointment.  He then suggested he walk me to Southwest to see if I could get on one of the flights.

He actually walked me to a Southwest gate and told my story to the agent.  I decided to pay for the ticket as my priority was to get there.  He told me he was going back to the Delta gate to cancel my flight to LA and assure I would be able to return on my arranged flight with Delta.  He also said he was giving me a credit of $100 on Delta. He said when I finished with Southwest, I should get the documents from him.

He walked away and the Southwest agent said, “Did he really walk you over here to help you?”  I indicated he had and she said, “I have never had another agent do that.  He is a really nice guy.”

I agree.  Thanks, Velter.